Suggestion of HOTELS in Volos
We have selected the following hotels in Volos close to Volos city Centre, where you will spend possibly your free time and find easily restaurants for your dinners. But you can have a larger choice of hotels in Volos, in the same area, by visiting or for example.
We recommend you not to delay in making your reservation!
Hotel Kypseli,
The cost for a single room in Hotel Kypseli is around 63 euro
Hotel Aigli,
The cost for a single room in Hotel Aigli is around 80 euro
Hotel Domotel Xenia,
The cost for a single room in Hotel Domotel Xenia is around 96 euro
Hotel Park,
The cost for a single room in Hotel Park is around 90 euro
Volos Palace,
The cost for a single room in Volos Palace is around 93 euro
To take advantage of the offers given for the conference you will need to note the conference acronym.
Other options in the city of Volos is the avialability of AirB&Bs where you can find in the website.