Keynote speakers

Cheryl J. Craig (Opening Ceremony)

Stavroula Kaldi (Closing Ceremony)

Christos Govaris (Closing Ceremony)

Angeliki Lazaridou (Closing Ceremony)

George Fragoulis (Closing of the Conference)
Conference Programme
Download Conference programme (pdf)
Friday, 8 November 2024
15.00 – 15.45 | Reception – Registration: Room Ι1 (Matsagou building, Department of Economics) |
15.45– 17.15 |
Session 1 – Future Perspectives on teaching and learning Room Ι1 (Matsagou building) Chair: Roza Valeeva |
Session 2 – Navigating change in education Room I2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Eleni Zenakou |
Renata Čepić, Jasminka Mezak & Petra Pejić Papak Student teachers’ experiences during teaching and learning with the use of digital technology Panagiotis Stamatis & Eleni Nikolaou Cultivating mindfulness skills in school settings: Preschool teachers’ perspectives Gulnara Gutorova & Albina Drozdikova-Zaripova Experience and Attitudes of Russian Students – Future Teachers and In-service Teachers towards the Use of Artificial Intelligence Liliia Karimova & Roza Valeeva Changing Roles of Teachers in Modern Education (Russian Experience) |
Eleni Zenakou, Christina Zisopoulou & Aglaia Stampoltzis The Influence of Sensory Learning Styles on Students’ Performance in National Examinations Pantelis Antonopoulos, Eleni Zenakou, Ekaterini Antonopoulou & Aglaia Stampoltzis Sensory learning styles and Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education students Lucy García Reyes School emotional diary, as a resource favorable to the welfare of students. Experience in a school of the Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca Mexico Eftychia Damaskou & George Androulakis Teachers at the Crossroads: Developing materials for Firstschoolers’ Awakening to Linguistic Diversity |
17.15 – 19.00 |
Room Ι1 (Matsagou building) SYMPOSIUM: Perspectives on Evaluation and Self-assessment as Practices for Training SYMPOSIUM ORGANISER: JUAN VICENTE ORTIZ FRANCO |
Session 3 – Promoting Inclusive Practices in Education Room I2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Marinos Anastasakis |
Andrea Milena Ospina Barinas & Angela María González Vargas Limitations and perspectives of assessment in arts education. An analysis from research experiences in Bogotá, Colombia Lucy García Reyes & Blanca Elizabeth Garza Garza The evaluation of learning: Reflections on evaluation practices with secondary and higher education teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico Armida Arizaí Riestra De La Cruz Do university professors assess their students with formative intent? Yolanda González Guevara, Oralia Rentiera Rodrigez & Juan Vicente Ortiz Franco Difficulties and challenges of self-evaluation in teacher training programs in two universities in Colombia and Mexico Juan Vicente Ortiz Franco, Blanca Elizabeth Garza Garza & Armida Arizai Riestra De La Cruz Socio-emotionality and pandemic: impact on the family and educational context of Mexico and Colombia |
Angelos Gkontelos & Dimitrios Stamovlasis Canvassing Innovative Work Behavior of Early Childhood Education Teachers Marinos Anastasakis & Manolis Dafermos Moving Beyond the Theory-Practice Dichotomy: Putting Student Teachers’ Development at the Centre of Teacher Education Effrosyni Kostara & Konstantina Koutroumpa Experiential Exercises for Students’ Personal Development and Counseling Support: A Case Study from the Harokopio University of Athens Stella Chantzi Curricula (APS) 2003 and 2011 in Greece: thoughts, challenges and Reflections |
19.15 – 20.30 |
Οpening ceremony (Auditorium at the Old French Institution) Teacher Attrition, Burnout, and Shortage: The Role of Curriculum Making and the Best-Loved Self Short musical performance by members of SYNOLA (the musical ensembles) of the University of Thessaly under the direction of Maria Thoidou Short musical performance by Juan Vicente Ortiz Franco from Colombia. |
20.30 |
Buffet – Outside the Auditorium of the Old French Institution |
Saturday, 9 November 2024
9.00 – 10.30 |
Session 4 – Bridging the Gap: Connecting Present and Future Teaching and Learning Room I1 (Matsagou building) Chair: Aikaterini Michalopoulou |
Session 5 – Addressing the challenges and opportunities of Equity and Access to quality education Room Ι2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Dimitrios Zachos |
Session 6 – Advancing Teacher Training and Professional Development Room A16 (Matsagou building) Chair: Aikaterini Vasiou |
Olga Kostika, Anastasios Siatras & Aikaterini Michalopoulou Educational, Pedagogical, and Research Trends in the ‘Pedagogical Review’ Journal of the Greek Pedagogical Society Evangelia Kalogirou & Aikaterini Michalopoulou Early childhood educational contexts and the development of democratic citizenship. Exploring key concepts in theory and practice Aikaterini Vergetaki-Peirasmaki The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Primary Education: Enriching the School Curriculum to Engage Students and Creatively Enhance Critical Thinking Panagiota Diamanti, Stavroula Kaldi & Maria Chatzi Cultivating Critical Thinking in Elementary School: An Example of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Tools |
Anna Angelidou Quantitative Research on Educational Activities in Primary Education, within the framework of implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Anastasia Gkaintartzi, Magda Vitsou, Sotiria Kalbeni & Kostas Magos DINAMI- Developing INclusive Actions for MInors: A University service-learning project in Juvenile Correctional Facilities Christos Govaris, Stavroula Kaldi, Ourania Maria Ventista, Vassiliki Tzika, Alexandra Stavrianoudaki & Nikolaos Manesis Inequalities and discrimination in the school class: Interpreting student teachers’ views Dimitrios Zachos Teaching intercultural education in the university: reflections and possibilities |
Aikaterini Vasiou & Georgios Vleioras Student-teachers on stage: Navigating emotional challenges with appropriate skills Marinos Anastasakis & Eleni Vasilaki Change Over Time: Do Variations in the Semantic Profiles of Tools, Artefacts, Instruments, and Resources Denote Changes in Educational Research and Practice? Efstathios Xafakos & Vasileios Stavropoulos Investigating voluntary and involuntary presenteeism of Greek Primary School teachers and its relationship with organizational commitment, overcommitment and Fulfilled Life Affective Experience Efstathios Xafakos & Konstantinos Malafantis Designing the Inclusive School that functions as a learning organization: Greek primary school teachers’ views and perceptions |
10.30 -10.45 |
Coffee break |
10.45 – 12.15 |
Session 7 – Future Perspectives on teaching and learning Room I1 (Matsagou building) Chair: Filippos Evangelou |
Session 8 – Promoting Inclusive Practices in Education Room I2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Diamanto Filippatou |
Session 9 – Advancing Teacher Training and Professional Development Room A16 (Matsagou building) Chair: Laura Sara Agrati |
Filippos Evangelou & Ioannis Fykaris The Philosophy of Didactics as a background for the documentation of teaching practice Maria Assunção Flores Teacher education in times of teacher shortage: challenges, strategies and possibilities Tara Ratnam & Cheryl J. Craig Imagining possible futures for educational research and practice: Shifting the focus from ME to WE Stelios Pantazidis & Sophia Moisiadou Commoning Practices and Self-education: Comparing Teacher Training in Two Freinet Networks |
Thanos Touloupis & Dimitrios Pnevmatikos Α Preliminary Examination of Teachers’ and Parents’ Perspective on Sexually Inclusive Primary Education: The Role of Homophobic Prejudice and Moral Disengagement Thanos Touloupis A Preliminary Comparison of Intention to Quit Between Heterosexual and Homosexual Elementary School Teachers: Perceived School-related and Individual Contributors Anna Gerakini & Diamanto Filippatou Psychoeducational classroom interventions promoting inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools: Α case study Christiana Deliewen Afrikaner Embracing Change: Fostering Education for a Sustainable Future through the Arts in Namibia |
Georgia Kouseri Evaluating academic courses for teaching of history: interpretations, reflections and proposals Laura Sara Agrati, Loredana Perla, Viviana Vinci & Arianna Beri Professionalize teachers. Knowledge and uses of computer-based assessment tools Despoina Styla, Evangelia Antoniou, Eirini Orovou & Maria Tzitiridou Reflective diary/journal and health promotion in Primary education Meher Rizvi Creating Authentic Assessment Framework for Reimagining Teaching and Learning Vassiliki Pliogou & Sophia Tromara Gender Equality starts with Food: The Gender Hunger Gap, Education and Sustainability |
12.15 -13.30 |
Light lunch |
13.00 – 13.30 |
Poster presentation – Ground floor (Matsagou building) 1. Maria Papaioannou, Eleni Zenakou, Ekaterini Antonopoulou & George Tsitsas Gender Stereotypes and Mathematics Comprehension: A Systematic Literature Review 2. Sahar Fayek Khalil Peripheral Action Research Towards Community and Art Equity 3. Anna Tsolaki, Anastasia Kontostoli & George Fragoulis An educational intervention for promoting the inclusion of Roma children in Greece |
13.30 – 15.30 |
Workshop – Room I1 (Matsagou building) Organisers: Panagiota Diamanti & Vassiliki Tzika Theme: Using AI in teaching and learning |
Sunday, 10 November 2024
9.00 – 10.30 |
Session 10 – Redesigning the Curriculum Room I1 (Matsagou building) Chair: Anastasios Siatras |
Session 11 – Learner-Centric Pedagogical Approaches Room I2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Alexandra Stavrianoudaki |
Room AI6 (Matsagou building) SYMPOSIUM: Developing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Practices in Teacher Education SYMPOSIUM ORGANISER: FERNANDO NAIDITCH |
Stavroula Stoumpou, Anastasios Siatras & Katerina Pavlidou Learning from the community: Portaria primary school students reflect on local natural disasters Vasileios Mellos, Dimitrios Mantzaris & Despoina Styla Social and distance education with the use of information and communication technologies as factors of social justice Despoina Styla Concept maps: An educational tool for assessment in learning Karen Mcintush, Karla Garza & Amanda Campos Supporting Novice Secondary STEM Teachers through Induction and Mentoring: A Qualitative Analysis |
Giulia Bernardi, Domenico Brunetto, Helena Dell’Anna, Sofia Galli & Francesco Nappo Supporting empowerment through mathematics education in a high turnover prison context Konstantinos Zacharis & Stavroula Siatira Evaluating the effectiveness of inclusive models in empowering secondary education students Alexandra Stavrianoudaki & Lampros Papadimas Why should we talk about the Controversial past? An action-research with pre-service teachers Alexandra Stavrianoudaki, Stavroula Kaldi & Katerina Pavlidou Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion through a Learning Approach Combining Theatre of the Oppressed and Chess: A Case Study Research Paradigm |
Fernando Naiditch Developing DEIB Practices in Teacher Education Frank Pignatosi Developing Diverse Fieldwork Opportunities for Teacher Educators Dirck Roosevelt Understanding the Principles of Culturally Responsive |
10.30-10.45 |
Coffee break |
10.45 – 12.15 |
Room I1 (Matsagou building) SYMPOSIUM TITLE: Teacher wellbeing as a seminal aspect of imagining possible futures of teaching and learning SYMPOSIUM ORGANISER: TARA RATNAM |
Session 12 – Examining Teacher Roles and Professional Development Room I2 (Matsagou building) Chair: Stavroula Kaldi |
Meher Rizvi Teacher wellbeing as a seminal aspect of imagining possible futures of teaching and learning Teacher wellbeing: The case of Pakistan Luiz Sanches Neto Teacher wellbeing as a political issue while fighting for a future worth living Maria Assunção Flores Teacher well-being and the emotional dimension of teaching: Findings from research carried out in Portugal Cheryl J. Craig Teacher wellbeing in the U.S.: Pressing toward the future Tara Ratnam Teachers’ work conditions and their wellbeing: Insights for reimagining possible futures of teaching |
Dimitrios Alekos & Stavroula Kaldi Collaborative learning environments: Development of educational material in Geography of the 6th grade Maria Barmparousi The role and characteristics of an effective special education leader. Perceptions of special education teachers of the prefecture of Attica Maria Polymerou, Vasilios Grammatikopoulos & Isaak Papadopoulos Many Hands Make a Light Work to Introduce English in Early Preschool Education: The Collaboration of EFL and Preschool Teachers in Greek Kindergartens Isaak Papadopoulos, Smaragda Papadopoulou & Maria-Eleni Bourogianni Let Me Write My Own Way: Designing, Implementing and Evaluating a Pedagogical Intervention on Authentic Writing in Early Childhood Education |
12.30 – 13.30 |
Room B1 (Matsagou building) Closing session Keynote speech: Professor Christos Govaris, Assistant Professor George Fragoulis, Associate Professor Angeliki Lazaridou and Professor Stavroula kaldi |
Social Programme
Saturday, 9th of November 2024
16.15 – 18.00 A walking guided tour to the city of Volos (info about registering will be announced)
20.30 Gala dinner (40 euros per person, you can register in the website of the Conference or send a message in the Conference’s email and pay at the Conference registration on Friday, the 8th of November 2024)
Sunday, 10th of November 2024
14.00 – 19.30 A bus tour to the mountain of Pelion with the picturesque villages (info about registering will be announced)